The Laser Med Spa Body Backcial is a combination treatment for individuals who are looking for both stress relief and pore purification. Ideal candidates for the backcial are patients who may be experiencing mild acne or other common skin conditions on their backs.

You medical aesthetician will wash and exfoliate your back. The exfoliation will help unclog the pores on your back and get rid of build-ups of oil, dirt, and dead skin cells. Once your back is cleansed and exfoliated, your medical aesthetician will then apply a medical chemical peel to you back to treat acne or other common skin conditions you may have discussed.

Treatment & Results

You will immediately notice smoother and softer skin in the treated area. The chemical peel will help target any acne you may be suffering from. Acne will begin to clear up in the weeks following the treatment. Keeping up with treatments will be most effective if combating back acne.
The backcial is non-invasive and therefore does not require any downtime. After this treatment, you can resume your daily activities immediately.





Post Care

Your medical aesthetician will recommend skincare products specifically designed to address your concerns. We recommend monthly skincare treatments to maintain optimal results.

Contact Us

Enjoy a blissful back exfoliation and stress relief, while tackling skin concerns like acne, with ourcustom Backcial. Schedule your appointment today at Laser Med Spa!

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